Frequently Asked Questions

- What is CPAC.UK?
CPAC.UK stands for (CPAC) Common Practical Assessment Criteria, usually required in A-level practical endorsement. They test various different scientific skills required in certain fields. CPAC.UK is not affiliated nor endorsed and cannot provide accreditations or certifications, as it is not an awarding body. It is an independent research group.
- Is CPAC.UK official?
No, CPAC.UK cannot provide accreditations or certifications through awarding bodies, like AQA and others do. We are a scientific research group providing documentation and methodologies, as well as other scientific information, to students and teachers alike.
- How can I use CPAC.UK’s documentation?
There are a number of ways through which you can be benefitted by our information and documentation: including, but not limited to formulas and calculations; methods and practical procedures; reference points and how to use these; detailed examples and case studies; tips for best practices; troubleshooting advice; and comprehensive guides for a wide range of applications.

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- What are practicals?
Practicals are hands-on sessions or experiments, specifically in subjects related to sciences, in order for students to visually and physically partake in certain theoretical scenarios to better their understanding of the topic.
- What is the CPAC?
(CPAC) Common Practical Assessment Criteria are requirements needed to be followed in order to receive certification of completing and being competent in several different scientific skills.

- What should I study?
If you haven't already decided on what subject to study, consider what career or degree you may want to apply for. Different positions may require different GCSEs and A-levels and other accredited qualifications to enter. However, if you would not like to particularly commit to any one thing at this time, you can choose whatever subject you find interesting and beneficial to you and your career in the future.
- Which subjects?
On CPAC.UK, you may find information on chemistry, biology and physics. These are the three main scientific subjects which may require practicals.

- Which exam boards?
Some of the more popular boards including AQA, Pearson Edexcel, OCR and Eduqas WJEC CBAC perform practical endorsements and provided certification for partaking in such activities.